4-H projects are the core to a 4-H member's experience. The Wood County Clover Legacy Foundation is happy to support numerous projects, although without the project book, from capitol campaigns to yearly grants that benefit youth in Wood County and beyond through the 4-H program. Below is a summary of some of the projects while others can be read about in our annual reports. The Clover Legacy Foundation is also responsible for envisioning and acting upon future endeavors that fit our mission. If you have a project in mind, please contact us.
Inspire Kids to Do Grants
Inspire Kids To Do Grants are offered three times per year to Wood County 4-H clubs through an application process to fulfill the mission to empower youth to reach their full potential, working and learning in partnership with caring adults. The grants are categorized under themes of Head, Heart, Hands, and Health, representing the 4 H's. |
Wood County 4-H Milkshake Barn
Milkshakes are a staple for many fairgoers in Wood County and 'the barn' is an exciting place to work for 4-H clubs throughout fair week. As the main fundraiser for Wood County 4-H, the Clover Legacy Foundation works to manage, invest, and donate back funds earned through milkshake sales. |
Wood County 4-H Honor Court
As a way to honor outstanding 4-H members, the Clover Legacy Foundation provides scholarships to 4-H graduates through an application and interview process. |
Wood County 4-H Alumni & Friends
A result of strategic planning by the Clover Legacy Foundation, 4-H Committee, and the OSU 4-H Extension Staff, the Alumni & Friends Group was created to procure volunteers and build a network of alumni and supporters of Wood County 4-H. |
Wood County 4-H Bake Off
All 4-H members and alumni are invited to make baked goods, compete for best in show, and help raise funds for Wood County 4-H through the Bake Off Auction. |
Free 4-H Project Books
The Clover Legacy Foundation provides one free project book for each member of Wood County 4-H. |
The Give Back Program
As the inspiration for the Inspire Kids to Do Grants and in celebration of Wood County 4-H's 100th birthday, the Clover Legacy Foundation asked clubs to conduct a member led community service activity where they took action in the community and had the opportunity to earn a $100 grant for their club. Twelve clubs participated in the Clover Legacy Give Back Program and gave "their hands to larger service" to help our community. |